This University assignment was aimed at designing a typeface inspired by my own design manifesto. The Calma manifesto reminds me to stay calm and collected when designing, it makes me think rationally and avoid overthinking. The typeface is made from a 5×4 square with square edges to resemble how everything can look simple from the outside, but all the detail is found on the inside. I presented this project as if it were a magazine aimed at other designers, making it easy for other designers to express their own ideas and knowledge.
Calma Manifesto.
- Calmati.
- No worries.
- Your element.
- Live simple.
- Just do.
Calma comes from the word ‘calmati’, meaning calm down in Italian. Ideally, a design project would be calm and relaxed. However, during a project it is easy to get carried away in creativity, trying to stay on course and not overthink a design can sometimes be quite challenging. Furthermore, creating a space/ environment where you work best is very important.